Projet Tarp’In

“Tarp’international – Go Twins” (Tarp’in) project promotes cooperation between the City of Marseille and its twin cities:
Tirana (Albania), Erevan (Armenia), Tokyo (Japan), Berlin (Germany) and Turin

This initiative is part of the city of Marseille’s policy to :

  • Promote the professional integration of young Marseillais through an international volunteering experience
  •  Promote youth involvement and active citizenship
  • Strengthen ties between Marseilles and its twinned cities and cooperation through volunteer exchanges;
  • Support Marseille’s international influence by creating a network of young ambassadors for the city;
  • Support local associations that promote the international mobility of young people.

This initiative is part of a series of calls for projects launched by the city of Marseille to promote international mobility among young people from the city’s cooperating territories.

To enhance the value of this cooperation, volunteers taking part in the Tarp’In project are required to set up a small
project linked to Marseille and the twin city during their international
mobility phase.

Our volunteers' creations

En cours de production… stay tuned !

Our host partners