Professional interventions

Cross-cultural training session


As part of the agreement with the University of Toulon, Eurasia Net is committed to offering intercultural training and preparation for international mobility for students selected for Erasmus mobility.

28 octobre 2022 – Eurasia net a orchestré une formation à l’interculturalité pour les jeunes du Point Information Jeunesse de Carpentras. 


Objectifs pédagogiques de la formation :

  • Exchange on international mobility devices (issues, values, objectives).
  • Discuss students’ expectations.
  • Reflect on the concepts of interculturality.
  • Develop openness and tolerance. 
  • Intercultural risk and conflict management. 

Project Management Training:


As part of an agreement with the University of Aix-Marseille, Eurasia Net is committed to offering training on project management to students of the Master in International and Intercultural Negotiation. In order to create a link between old and new students and to highlight the perspectives of this master, the facilitators of these courses are former students of this master, now employed at Eurasia Net. 


Pedagogical objectives of the training:

  • Encourage sharing of ideas and teamwork.
  • Encourage initiative taking. 
  • Initiate project management.
  • Support public speaking.
  • Connect old students with new ones.