Towards the implementation of Service-Learning practices in each university

The catalog of Service-Learning projects summarizing some examples from a range of fields is now available!

Primary objective

The general objective of this work package is to create an environment conducive to the implementation of service-learning practices in universities. To do this, our project aims to:

  1. strengthen collaboration between the university community and local organizations,
  2. improve teaching methods and programs by sharing examples, good practices and innovative methods,
  3. improve students’ learning methods and their employability through civic engagement allowing the development of technical and behavioral skills (practical experience) and self-confidence.

Specific objectives

Strengthen cooperation between students, teachers, teaching staff and local organizations.

Offer more participatory courses with more stimulated and active students, favoring collaboration between teachers and students rather than a vertical relationship.

Propose a more innovative and realistic model by taking into account societal issues through collaboration with civil society. This will make the university more attractive and innovative, while providing innovative training for students motivated to take an active role in their education.

Activities and results:

Local events to value service-learning projects 

Five local service-learning events were organized from October to December 2023 in the whole consortium. These events were a success thanks to the diversity of the participants’ profiles, with a total of 382 participants throughout the consortium. Teachers, students, members of civil society organizations and administrative staff all contributed to the success of these events through their presence and the quality of their discussions. These events allowed us to present our European project on service learning and to make the service-learning methodology better known to more people. In addition, each university was able to present the first results of the field study carried out by the National and Capodistrian University of Athens on existing practices for implementing service-learning within the consortium.

Implementation of Service-Learning projects

Each university has supported its teaching teams, students and civil society in implementing new Service-Learning projects across all disciplines. We have created a catalog with a sample project for each university. You can consult it here and contact the teams who have implemented the projects if you would like to discuss with them.

Competition for the most impactful Service-Learning projects

Each of the five universities organized a competition to reward the two most innovative Service-Learning projects; integrating significant dimensions and pre-established criteria such as student empowerment, innovative methodologies and the most significant impact during the months of March and April 2024. The two Service-Learning projects awarded were announced at the 2nd local events and will represent their university and country at the European Seminar on Service-Learning in Bucharest from June 25 to 28, 2024!  

Focus on the Aix-Marseille University Service Leaning Award

Several projects were presented at the “Service Learning Award” competition, organized jointly by Aix-Marseille Université and Eurasia Net on Monday April 8, 2024. Among them, the project Study on the obstacles to involvement in international mobility projects for young people with fewer opportunities in the region, with a view to proposing appropriate public policy recommendations, sponsored by Eurasia Net and the DRAJES (Délégation régionale académique à la Jeunesse, à l’Engagement et aux Sports), was carried out by three students as part of their Master 2 Sustainable development and territorial governance of Mediterranean and international projects.

The results of this project have enabled us to identify the main obstacles to young people’s mobility, which will help us to formulate recommendations aimed at overcoming these challenges.