Thanks to the support of the Conseil régional SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, Eurasia net is strengthening its local impact by providing information and raising awareness of European citizenship and youth involvement.
The Regional Youth Parliament (PRJ) is an assembly of young people (apprentices or high school students) from the SUD PACA Region, selected each year to discover and participate in the institutional life of the Region, contribute to regional policies, make their voices heard, train and set up local actions in response to young people’s needs.
The PRJ is made up of four Fabriques (sub-working groups):
- Citizenship Factory
Sustainable - Development Factory
- Europe Factory
- Communication Factory
Since 2023, Eurasia net has been involved in the Fabrique Europe, running one workshop a month on European issues, the institutions and workings of the EU, and the European programs available to young people to encourage their involvement, learning and mobility.
The aim is to provide young people with knowledge about the EU, create a space for reflection and exchange, and help them turn their ideas on these topics into reality.

2023-2024 term
From October 2023 to June 2024, we were able to sensitize and support some fifteen young people through various meetings and exchanges:
- Integration weekend in Manosque: an opportunity to get to know the young people, create a collective dynamic and gather their motivations and initial ideas for action.
- Workshop to raise awareness of the history and values of the EU, its institutions and workings, as well as the European election process and the accession of new countries.
- Meeting and exchange with the Region’s Service Europe and Brussels representative office
- Meeting and discussion with the European Commission’s representative office in Marseille
- Simulated debate at the Council of the European Union on the subject of Ukraine’s accession to the EU, with the participation of young people from the Fabrique citoyenneté
- Closing of the year with a meeting with European volunteers from CAMI and co-hosting of a stand in the European colors: general knowledge quiz, quiz on European flags, culinary specialties, languages and musical blind test.
Following this first successful experiment, Eurasia net is committed to the PRJ for the year 2024-2025.
For more information about PRJ :
And follow us on the networks: