Our Team

Eurasia net Organigram

Eurasia net is a dynamic, resourceful and passionate team.

Here’s how it is structured:

We introduce you to the team

Eurasia net’s employed and volunteer team : a great energy to implement local and international innovations. 

Bertrand Soulcie


Bertrand has an international acaedemic background : studies in England, France and the United States. His various experiences in the field of youth, non-formal education and his travels to meet cultural diversity have transformed his life ! This recipe is the basis of his passion : he decided to work on the setting up of European and international projects and to accompany young people in order to integrate an international dimension in their lives.

With a team of people motivated by the interculturality and internationalism, he decided to create Eurasia Net. The objective : to accompany young people, organisations and institutions from local to international level and to promote exchanges between Europe and Asia. He is now the director and general coordinator of the structure. Contact him to co-construct tomorrow’s projects : he loves working in cooperation to create innovations in the fields of youth, education and social entrepreneurship! 



Dan Mu


Dan is well-known Chinese artist who exhibits between Europe and Asia. She participated in the foundation of the associative project Eurasia Net and realized the exhibition “Eurasia Wings” for the 50 years of diplomatic relations between France and China, as well as an exhibition in Shanghai. She is in charge of artistic projects and intervenes in schools to raise awareness of the Chinese language, calligraphy and art. She is also in charge of cooperation projects with China. 

Teva Pietruszka


With a wealth of experience of associative work in France during his studies, then as a volunteer across Europe, Teva himself was able to be accompanied all the way to Finland by Eurasia Net. There was no more logical follow-up than to join our team and, in turn, accompany young people across borders!


Pierrette Deschamps


After several periods of international mobility, including a Civic Service abroad, Pierrette decided to continue her commitment to interculturality, openness to the world, and educational and linguistic cooperation, by working in EurasiaNet’s Civic Service department to promote young people’s access to international mobility and projects.


Cécile Fournier


Cécile had the opportunity to do several different mobilities in Europe. First through an Erasmus semester in Sweden during her studies in economics, she then carried out a civic service in Lithuania with Eurasia Net, followed by an internship in the Netherlands. With this experience, she now joins the Eurasia Net team as an administrative officer, so that other young people can also have such opportunities. 


Marielle Dupont


Passionate about (inter)actions with and for young people, Marielle has benefited from international experiences in Europe and Asia via ERASMUS student mobility, internships and International Volunteering in Administration. Marielle has worked for more than 10 years in the management and setting up of international projects in the cultural, scientific research and mobility sectors with NGOs, embassies and universities. Marielle has joined Eurasia Net to spread stars in the eyes of young people who engage in France or abroad to get to know themselves better and find their personal and professional path.



Samantha Lozano


Her career reflects a constant interest in combining research and action to build fairer, more sustainable societies. After 4 years’ experience in international cooperation and several years’ research on governance and participatory democracy, Samantha joined the Eurasia net team to support young people in their international mobility and socio-professional integration projects.


Juliette Babic


Juliette, who is passionate about international exchanges and intercultural encounters, has chosen to do her work-study placement with Eurasia net to be at the heart of stimulating projects and to highlight the actions of our association, while consolidating her communication skills. She is also keen to do a civic service or a CES after obtaining her BTS, so this experience will enable her to learn more about the objectives and missions on offer.


Executive Board

Vicky Atlani

I discovered Eurasia net in 2016 through a civic service in Marseille within the internal team. I took part in the implementation of international volunteering programs and some European projects on the theme of social entrepreneurship. With a university background in communication, project management and international studies, and the experience of several trips to Asia, volunteering at Eurasia net was a great experience for me. After my civic service, I spent a few months in Taiwan to continue learning Chinese and then ended up back in Marseille to contribute to Eurasia net’s development as Youth Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Project Manager. For 3 years, I coordinated international civic service volunteer programs, and developed projects with local partners to participate in the region’s youth dynamic and enable young people to get involved in solidarity projects. I was also able to manage Erasmus+ projects focusing on innovation and social entrepreneurship, which helped raise awareness of social and environmental alternatives among young people and develop the Eurasia net network. Now settled in Toulouse for new adventures, I continue to keep an eye on Eurasia net and lend a hand for a good cause!

Chiara Bertazzoni

As part of an end-of-studies internship for my Master’s degree in International and Intercultural Negotiation, I decided to join Eurasia net for a Service Civique and was part of the team for a year and a half. What an experience!

Eurasia net gave me a lot in terms of professional experience and nice encounters.

That’s why, even after moving to Brussels for new professional experiences, I decided to join the Board of Directors to keep the link with Eurasia net and try to support the Eurasians!

Chamsia Ali

After obtaining my Master’s degree in Education and Training, I decided to join the Eurasia net team for a one-year Civic Service.

This experience opened many doors for me. I was able to acquire new skills and participate in various European projects.

By joining the Board of Directors, I hope to maintain a link with the association and contribute to its development!

Photos équipe site (4)

Léa Tordera

After graduating with a Master’s degree in Biodiversity Management and gaining initial work experience with a cement group, helping to reduce its biodiversity footprint, Léa decided to complete an internship in the same field in Paris, with a program to finance biodiversity preservation projects. She joins Eurasia net as a Civic Service within the association in March 2020. She is mainly involved in setting up two projects with an environmental impact for the European Solidarity Corps scheme: FADAS, and Human Green Growth. Following this experience, Léa took up her first position with the Union professionnelle du génie écologique in Paris, where she led several focus groups on issues of importance to members, then became manager of the training organization to which the association belongs. At the same time, Léa continues to maintain links with Eurasia net and its team, whose diverse projects, dynamism and social dimension interest her. She joined Eurasia net’s Board of Directors in 2022, to bring her experience of nature conservation issues to the association’s development.

Sophie Soldini

After high school, I wanted to live an experience abroad, and I was lucky enough to be selected to go on a civic service in Indonesia thanks to Eurasia net.

I spent 8 months volunteering in Indonesia and 4 months in Marseille with Eurasia net’s events team.

I loved being involved with the association and I was able to develop a lot of skills and qualities that I use every day.

Today, I’m doing a degree in English-Chinese with a specialization in International Business in Aix-en-Provence, and I’m very happy to have been able to join the Eurasia net Board of Directors so that I can stay in touch with the association and its future projects.

Laurie Sanchez

I first came across Eurasia net when I was looking for opportunities for young people abroad. Following several volunteer experiences in Cambodia, Spain and Greece, I wanted to add to my studies in anthropology by gaining experience in project management and contributing to the development of an association in Marseille, and it was at Eurasia net that I was able to do my civic service. During my 9 months with the team, I was able to develop both professionally and personally. On my return from Armenia, where I was able to complete my civic service, I was eager to continue the adventure. Today, as a member of the Board of Directors, I hope to contribute to enabling other young people to enjoy the wonderful experiences offered by Eurasia net projects.

Mustapha Chaoui

Mustapha discovered Erasmus mobility in 2013 when he took part in intercultural encounters in Portugal and Italy with young people from all over Europe. Human encounters, cultural diversity and openness to others are part of Mustapha’s DNA. Since 2013, he has been involved in broader European cooperation projects in China, then in Vietnam at the start-up of Eurasia net. As an artist and graphic designer, he created the Eurasia net logo and the guide to international social entrepreneurship. In 2019, he’ll be making the data speak for itself by enhancing the impact study on volunteering with Eurasia net in a clear and explicit format. An ambassador for cultural diversity and international mobility as a source of openness, he now chairs Eurasia net to strengthen educational mobility opportunities accessible to all.

Johanna Tarovy

Curious by nature and passionate about different cultures, particularly Asian, I had the opportunity to be accompanied by Eurasia net during my first international volunteering. During this adventure, I went to Greece, to Ioannina, in the association Youth Center of Epirus (https://www.yce.gr/en/international-volunteers/johanna/) in 2015/2016. I was able to successfully rally my studies and my civic service in the same year, thanks to the encouragement of the members. During my volunteer work, I learned from others and from myself. That’s why today, I’m proud to continue my adventure as an administrator with Eurasia net. I currently have a degree in Human Resources, and I’m happy to share my knowledge.