eurasia net
Eurasia net is a French NGO aiming
to promoting intercultural, educational and artistic exchanges on an international scale.

Our Goals
Innovate through international cooperation in the youth, educational, cultural, artistic and environmental fields.
Develop intercultural encounters, knowledge and understanding between European and Asian societies.
our vision

Eurasia net was born from the desire to bring Europe and Asia closer through exchanges in the educational, cultural and artistic fields.
We believe in the motto “United in Diversity”. Hence, we want to allow young people, citizens, educational and cultural organizations, local authorities and businesses to meet and discuss how best to achieve this.
“Eurasia net is the desire to create a generation of engaged, responsible, dynamic young people, open to the world and to innovation. Our mission is to help them develop the required skills and support their building of future projects, by offering unique experiences with a strong impact at the local and international level”.
Our approach finds its foundations in non-formal education which allows the development of transversal skills and an open-minded approach to intercultural dialogues.
Our Expertise
- Project consulting and engineering in education, international cooperation, national and international volunteering;
- Training in international mobility projects, Erasmus Youth and Education and Civic Service;
- Training, facilitation and education for citizenship and international solidarity;
- Non-formal and participatory education methods, engagement and active citizenship of young people, support for project management;
- Integration through international mobility;
- Cross-sectoral cooperation, intercultural dialogue, risk management in international educational projects;
- Support of local authorities, institutions, or organizations in the development of projects with an international dimension;
- Strengthening of innovative educational paths at the local and international level through the “Service Learning”.

Our future projects

- Organisation of international volunteering projects in Europe and Asia;
- Cooperation projects in Europe and Asia in the fields of education and social innovation;
- Conferences and seminars on the social and solidarity economy;
- Support for young people in the development of solidarity projects;
- Multimedia creations (sounds, images, photos, texts and web documentaries);
- Art exhibitions;
- Cultural, artistic and linguistic workshops in universities;
- Strengthening of town twinnings in the youth field;
- Linguistic or professional internships;
- Educational and cultural stays.